Delivering Pharmaceutical Value

Aims & Objectives

Mission Statement

The BAEPD, a non-profit making independent professional organisation, owned by its members, is involved in the promotion, protection and development of the interests of member companies importing pharmaceuticals from within the EEA into the United Kingdom, and fosters the highest professional standard of practice and conduct among its members.

Criteria for applicants requesting BAEPD membership

  • The applicant must be a company registered in UK
  • The applicant company must hold a Wholesale Dealers Licence ('WDL") issued by the MHRA
  • The applicant company must hold a Manufacturer & Importer Authorisation ("MIA') issued by the same regulatory body
  • The applicant company must hold a minimum of 100 Parallel Import Product Licences (PLPIs) (subject to majority member discretion)
  • The applicant company must sign the Deed of Adherence and pay the appropriate joining fee
  • The applicant company must successfully complete an EAEPC 'Good Parallel Distribution' audit

Benchmarking Activities

The BAEPD, a key source of intelligence within the PPDI, promoting best practice and improving the effectiveness of the member companies.

Effective BENCH MARKING is achieved through:

  • Encouraging an understanding of the guiding principles of PPDI
  • Analysing the strategies and practices employed by PPDI and providing a forum for their discussion
  • Providing an information source to assist the decision-making process within the PPDI
  • Disseminating information to recognised third parties e.g. competent regulatory authorities and Government departments to promote an informed dialogue on issues likely to affect the PPDI
  • Keeping members up to date with legislative changes which affect their activities.

The key benefit of this activity is to provide crucial information to member companies enabling an improved decision-making process to be attained.

The key development will be a range of proven strategies that will enhance the value provided to society by the PPDI.


  1. To offer an effective platform for a dialogue between the pharmaceutical industry and other pharmaceutical wholesaling and distribution organisations with pharmacies, hospitals, private clinics and dispensing doctors as well as the appropriate regulatory authorities.
  2. To represent the interests of those companies engaged within the parallel pharmaceutical distribution of medicinal products for human consumption (PPDI) operating both within the United Kingdom and other EU member states.
  3. To provide relevant and informed opinion concerning the PPDI to order to ensure that all interested parties are made aware of its activities.
  4. To study the technical and operational problems and opportunities related to the activities of its members, to develop appropriate recommendations or suggestions for the improvement of such issues either within the PPDI or to communicate such matters to relevant third parties such as the regulatory authorities, the European Commission or national governments.
  5. To co-operate with other national and international bodies with similar objectives or interests, including EAEPC and its members.
  6. To strengthen further the relationship with the Medicines Control Agency and EMA.
  7. To best protect the business of the members in light of Brexit